Dr. Tay Hin Ngan


Ology Dr Tay Hin Ngan graduated from the NUS faculty of medicine and completed his training in Otola Oto ology in In Singapore, becoming the first ever distinction Otolaryngo candidate in the Exit Examinations. Under or the Health Manpower Development Program Award, he subsequently underwent Senior Fellowship trai training in in Head H and Neck Oncologic Surgery in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre (New York) and was rated top 5% among his 35 years of trainees by Professor Jatin Shah, recognized as the leading head and neck surgeon in the world today. Dr Tay was then appointed Visiting Scholar to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre with Professor Carl Snyderman’s Endoscopic Skullbase Service.

After obtaining further training in robotic surgery in Korea’s Yonsei Severance Hospital, Dr Tay founded the Robotic Head and Neck Surgery program in Singapore General Hospital. This began with thyroid surgery and further expanded into surgery of the oropharynx and neck dissection for cancer. He is one of the pioneers of robotic tongue base surgery for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the region. Dr Tay has been invited to teach in Malaysia, Korea, Israel on robotic approaches thyn roidectomy, tran transoral ansoral robotic surgery (TORS) for cancer and OSA. At present, he is the only Head & Neck Surgeon in the region recognized with a listing in Intuitive Surgical’s da Vinci Surgeon Locator to

His clinical interests include using endoscopic and robotic approaches for thyroid surgery, head and neck surgery, advanced sinus surgery, and surgery for sleep apnea and cancers in the ear, nose and throat.

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